On top of that, prayer is free there. I also rent out mm2 alt accounts to pile walk making it practically afk, (discounted for vengeance members. but i think 28k red chins should be enough from 85 range in mm2 tunnels. Banking doesn't clear the KC you got in the boss room. TIPS. 5 gp/xp which is extremely cheap for chinning. · 7 yr. You should be doing mm2 anyways if you're a main. MM2 tunnel numbers are all over this thread, somewhere around 600k xp/hr. This is a. 0:00 / 5:59 Best Chinning Method | MM2 Tunnel | Highest Exp Per Hour? Kristopher Simpson 14 subscribers Subscribe 46K views 6 years ago Highest Exp/hr. Arma is definitely "enough" but void is better. this wasnt my question, obviously i can do the whole thing, i dont want to right away, i want to see if i can not skill currently as i want to train my mage. ago. , Oldschool 07 RuneScape Skill Training,[150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #21 - Mar 27, 2018 at 12:08 PM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:MM2 Chinning help . Question. Last I checked, Void is still best for chinning, so definitely worth it if you are chinning with black chins. 5x tokens are pretty expensive to create, pet accessories/upgrades are incredibly expensive, xp backpack is fairly expensive and varrock armour is locked behind. Is the running method truly worth doing over just afking?MM2 cave is better. Climb down the vine and run to the bottom of the channel where it forms a huge bowl. If somebody is BOWFA-Rushing (which is all the rage these days) you aren't going to touch Arma (seriously) until you have a Shadow. [150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #441 - Feb 4, 2019 at 12:26 PM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:[150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #561 - May 8, 2019 at 3:42 AM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:[150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #841 - Feb 16, 2020 at 10:02 AM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:[150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #461 - Feb 17, 2019 at 2:55 AM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:Press J to jump to the feed. 4K views 2 years ago Here is a clip of myself using two alt accounts to stack Maniacal Monkeys in the. Is there some reason that I can’t figure out why this is happening?This is good information i ended chinning both my accounts through mm1 though. So you're calculating 2x the cost of death runes and 4x the cost of chaos runes. hes a pure. A set of armadyl is like +10 ranging accuracy for the same price. Essentially what you do is you jump back and fourth between two squares against the wall with a corner in between them. ago. This setup is not very prayer friendly but is best in slot and will give you the most xp out of each chin. . Right now I'm 78 range and mid 80s magic/melee so I'd be spending a lot of time in there. Recommended Posts. Also, demonic gorillas could help make the cash back from chins!Chinning 80-90 mm2 . I offer a wide range of services related to chinning/bursting. 100k/h nmz uber afk on mobile, chining is so low time preference. · 4y. I assume the amount of chins thrown per hour is about the same. The Sweatshop: Bursting / Chinning Mm2 [& other methods] [Alt rentals] [Most knowledgeable], bump, Oldschool 07 RuneScape Skill Training,[For rent] mm2 shuffle alts for chinning, bursting or barraging. Used about 20-25k chins i believe. Introduction Since the release of mmII the meta has shifted from chinning in the mm1 tunnels to the vastly superior mm2 location. I have been consulting the wiki map (…[150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #1381 - Jul 31, 2021 at 3:13 AM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,009 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,033 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username: Sander#5641. Close. Dust devils are also viable but are a downgrade. Its worth grinding void in general. On. It's like 650k xp/h and you throw like 1800 chins/h, at 1200 ea that'd be 2,16m gp per 650k xp, so 3,3 gp xp approx. Tags:12gp/xp. , AHK,About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Plus the hassle of getting bonecrusher charges meaning I. Copious amounts of monkeys will attack you. ago. Also, was thinking of starting to chin at 80 range till 90, then chin on defensive till 99 range. 77 prayer, rigour unlocked. _ACompulsiveLiar_. So literally 50M vs 100M gp if you want to get 99. Chinning MM2 . Can someone confirm the xp rate with red chinchompas and eagle eye+max range, in the mm2 cave? Just curious about that is doing mm2 just for the chinning spot worth it. Mm2 chinning. Hey guys, and welcome back to another episode of my main progression series. . So i have been looking all over and cannot find an answer, I wanted to know at what point into MM2 am i able to start doing the chinning, also do i need all the required stats to get to the chinning part. I’m using red chins from 93-99 range is getting rigour worth it? It would be half my bank. On 08/07/2017 at 0:56 PM, justmeandi said: 90-99 I used 19K chins in mm2 tunnel. I want to cheese the last lvls to 99 Range and 95 Mage. BradyCook6350 • 6 yr. ago. Acc has full range void (normal). I asked if Mammal's guide was still up to date or if someone could link a better one. [150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #1361 - Jan 24, 2021 at 11:17 AM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:[150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #141 - Jun 29, 2018 at 4:22 AM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:MM2 Chinning help . A: Chinning cost per hour with Grey Chins = 1. MM2 Dungeon Chinning XP Rates. MM2 Chinning . Guide for bursting and barraging the commonly bursted and barraged npcs. I will provide the chins, pray pots, range pots and gear. Following the events of Monkey Madness I, Glough has vanished, prompting King Narnode Shareen to enlist the player's help once more in tracking down the war criminal and uncovering his. By Underdxg, October 2, 2016 in Runescape Chat. Anyone know the do rates on chinning on long fuse in mm2 tunnels? 1 comment. Currently 92/99. What is the average gp/exp chinning in the mm2 mine and what is the average gp/exp bursting/barraging in the mm2 mine. 10 comments. Two accounts: 25m for 48. In this case, rigour and void would be an 18% damage boost over say eagle eye and armadyl. Also making an edit in case someone reads this for things other than chinning (just making sure), for bursting in MM2 caverns, Elite Void Mage is only the best if you can't afford Tormented Bracelet (in which case, you. . Mm2 chinning. save. 5 meaning you would need 22,060 Red Chinchompas from 90-99. My body yearns for the sea. Might be a bit off, but it was around that when i tested. Could yo, Oldschool 07. Nex bank now exists so chinning arma isn't "efficient" as there isn't a great reason to optimize for long trips. ago. I don't think theres a formal place to ask. 5 years ago. How far into the quest do i unlock the tunnels that are used for chinning? You don't have to fight any bosses, once he sends you into kruks cave you have full access to chinning spots, no boss fights needed. Joined: Feb 12, 2023 Messages: 5 Likes Received: 0. 1-99 GUIDES. I'm not sure your concerns are extremely justified. im just now doing MM1 haha Nice! Get to work on getting barrows gloves!Introduction Since the release of mmII the meta has shifted from chinning in the mm1 tunnels to the vastly superior mm2 location. comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. As most people know t. I'd chin in mm2 caves (I have all quests done if there's a better spot) Well. wow man I have a lot work, recipe for disaster and monkey madness 2. 1. MM2 Chinning Service needed, Looking for quote on MM2 chinning service using red chins from 88 - 94. 3m per hour // The EXP, you will have to figure out yourself, sorry. [150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #221 - Aug 15, 2018 at 12:16 AM Joined: Jul 9, 2018 Posts: 22 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 22. 530K-800K-Chinning Cost Per Hour. This guide is to help anyone who needs to train range up fast and has the money. r/2007scape. The dungeon is visited during Monkey Madness II to kill Kruk and sabotage Glough 's laboratory. Blowpiping slayer is kinda worth it, blowpiping NMZ is retarded with current scale prices. Soy nuevo en el servidor, trabajo 100% a mano, busco generar una buena reputación y buenos contratos. 2K. Or check out the Official Service Thread by clicking the link Below. [150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #1181 - Sep 19, 2020 at 1:46 PM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,009 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,033 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:[BUYING] MM2 chinning, Need MM2 defensive chinning, post price/exp and Ill contact you, Oldschool 07 RuneScape Skill Training,Is there a place i can "hire" mm2 chinning alts to bunch monkeys up? Become a streamer and ask for it. After completing Monkey Madness II, the laboratory is destroyed and becomes a hunter. This osrs chinning guide covers both MM1 and MM2 locations, gear/inventory setup, and… Continue Reading OSRS Chinning Guide - Fastest ranged EXP in OSRS OSRS money-making with smithing Members; RuneScape Status: P2P RSN: pleH esaelP; Clan Details: HU Share; . MMII chinning calculator by Under Constr. The key to chinning Porpoises is to grab them firmly by the fins and aim for the blowhole. No it doesn't. 20gp/xp. MM1 tunnels are about 1/2 as fast, and will cost you around 2x as much to get to your target range level. chinning osrs mm2 guide osrs in MM2 tunnel. 4 Million monthly users trust. I've spent a fair few hours down in the mm2. 1: Enter your rsn: 3: Select your gear: 4: Enter amount of throws and npc [Read *how to use*] 16. 9m to 2. I use Elite Void, Red Chinchompas, and the Bonecru. You use around 1200 casts an hourSearching MM2 Chinning + Barraging Script, Hey as the Title says. [150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #741 - Nov 15, 2019 at 8:23 AM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:We do need more chinning or bursting spots. . Question. Hey guys, as i seem in the video im not sure if this is better than the other mm2 spot just because i havent been here long enough, but it is a sick new spot. Mm2 chinning . Willing to pay. Ive been bursting the maniacal monkeys for the past couple of days and in my opinion it is totally overpowered. if not on the first then on the second or third obstacle… do i need to be agi 120 or is there a trick?. maxed nerd. Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of my road to 1bil series. There will be a sand maze, or a group of rocks you can jump on and over a crevice. [150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #381 - Jan 5, 2019 at 12:30 PM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:With bursting and melee it'll probably just be on all the time and allow me to be nearly fully afk. I recently completed MM2 and now want to chin here, as I believe it's a great place for xp. You have to complete MM1 to the part where you need to visit Zooknock in that dungeon. On 08/07/2017 at 0:54 PM, Dont Panic said: Before the void nerf i got 91-99 ranged at MM2 caves gaining about 600-700k xp/h without rigour. Sponsored Ad ? adzno. Discussion in 'Bot Requests' started by adzno, Mar 28, 2023. At the second checkpoint of the monkey madness 2 agility kruk cave you want to pray melee. 2. In this guide, I’m going to show you how to gain 400k EXP/hour once you’ve got this down correctly. starting asap s7yl3zx#5098, Oldschool 07 RuneScape Skill Training,Anguish or Salve for Chinning? currently 80 range, using mm2 tunnel, full void + bis gear for 42 def comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Amelsander • Additional comment actions. You only need to get like 30. It would be really nice if we could peek down the hole to see if someone was in the caves instead of having to go down and run the whole way, and then have to run back up to hop. Do i need all the stats to start mm2? 4 comments. Went pretty fast. Share More sharing options. Tallink Grand MasterChinning without doing monkey madness quest, need good spots? Hi everyone, I finally got to 75 range and am looking to get to 99 fast. . ago. I have 57m in cash, but that would be still enough for it I guess. Anyone know that cc name? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Made without bias, by the top clans in MM2, for you all. Chapter 2. You only need to finish chapter 2 for the chinning/barraging spot. When do I get access to the chinning place, in The beginning of the quest? And do I need The thieving req? 3 comments. Monkey Madness chinning guide osrs Red Chins with bonecrusher necklace (pray restore swap) in MM2 tunnel Check your damage with. You don't need prayer bonus when going to MM2. Their drops include prayer potions and as such, when training using Protect from Melee, provide a low click-intensive form of. If its needed i could get more chins. I'm 75 range but. 400K. mm2 are not affected by salve Reply will-be-afk • Additional comment actions. my gear is full range void regular pegasians archers ring fury because i can’t afford a anguish and red chins what am i doing wrong?[150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #321 - Nov 14, 2018 at 1:38 PM Joined: Oct 8, 2017 Posts: 4,005 Referrals: 0 Sythe Gold: 5,029 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 353976890169622528 Discord Username:Chinning mm2. (example on how this works: ) Pricing: Pricing on chinning and maging varies on the gear/goal/method. I saw a post a couple weeks ago for a clan that will agro and stack monkeys for you for like 3-4m an hour. The entrance to Kruk's Dungeon. [150+ Vouches] Tallink's Skilling l MM2 Chinning l Ironman services! #41 - Apr 3, 2018 at 10:40 AM Joined: Jul 11, 2017 Posts: 3,761 Referrals: 16 Sythe Gold: 4,294 Vouch Thread: Click Here Discord Unique ID: 475804889621200896 Discord Username:Monkey Madness chinning guide osrs Red Chins with bonecrusher necklace(pray restore swap) in MM2 tunnelCheck your damage with ranging potion, for me it was 1. 1. 2020-07-26 In-depth mm2 Chinning guide | part II. Averages out to something like 4. CHINNING IS EXPENSIVE I hope this helped all of you pm any questions. Disco, Oldschool 07 RuneScape Skill Training,Anguish damage multiplier applies to all, so depends if you want accuracy or damage. If you want more prayer bonus you can sub a few items for higher prayer bonus items with lesser range attack. Is it worth using black chins? I'm level 91 range, have BIS equipment. hide. only a complete retard would think a +10 to the range stat is greater than 20% accuracy. 100% Upvoted.