Why did homelander hold hughie underwater. The V isn't good or bad. Why did homelander hold hughie underwater

 The V isn't good or badWhy did homelander hold hughie underwater  However, once the remaining pilot was shot and Homelander's heat vision destroyed the control panel that changed everything

Queen Maeve is the tertiary antagonist-turned-anti-hero of the Dynamite Entertainment comic series The Boys. Hughie Campbell reteams with Billy Butcher and the Boys to take out Homelander (Antony Starr) once and for all by harnessing the energy blasts from. Published Jul 30, 2022. It took SB, a suped up Hughie, and a suped up Butcher to hold down Homelander and even then they failed. Remembering this, Butcher might want to keep his powers to bring Homelander down. Black Noir grew increasingly psychotic as he waited to. And if we’re only talking about the show, i wouldn’t say that he’s a monster. I think that matters. Hughie takes over from Ashley as this week’s cinephile, delivering the following two lines: “If a guy in a car gives me a dirty look. Spawning a thousand. It's a "some people are dicks" moment. Termite quickly appeared in the season one premiere (played by Mike. One of the hardest scenes to watch during season one is Homelander's decision to let the plane crash rather. It set a power dynamic between homelander and soldier boy, showing that although. Homelander, on the other hand, lack or at least haven't been shown to have many of these skills. Butcher is not inauthentic. I wanted to use my powers to do good. I think he ment they don't have any dirt on him thats it. Queen Maeve halting a van. Starlight advises Hughie to talk to Butcher, but he refuses. The direction Hughie looks in and jumps towards is where he will teleport. As a result, Maeve, Starlight, Grace, Mother's Milk, Hughie, Kimiko, Frenchie, and countless others fully support Butcher's mission to destroy Homelander. The Boys Series [] Background [] Childhood []. . The reason she was being held captive was Billy Butcher. by Mae Abdulbaki. And they did physically their strength and speed are on par with homelander. The Supe’s clone also framed. However, the Black Noir in the comics is not the same version in The Boys. I'd be pretty fuckin terrified to join if I knew the most powerful supe was a dick. Hughie didn't have enough time to practice with his powers. Like the other members of The Seven,. In the end of S1 it seemed like humiliation was the game, to toy with Butcher and make him look like a fool. Homelander is a tall and muscular man with blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. It was released on July 26, 2019 on Amazon Prime Video. Kimiko continues her fight, but one of the soldiers hits Frenchie in the leg with a bullet. Soldier Boy agrees if Hughie and Butcher help him track down the Payback team. Why does Hughie need to explain to his dad that he's not part of the most decorated superhero group on the land?Business, Economics, and Finance. Annie is 23 years old during Season 1, this makes her birth year either 1996 or 1997. Using the temp Compound V, he's able to neutralize a threat in their hunt for Soldier Boy (Jensen Ackles), but surely he'll need more than speed and superhuman power to stop. And it’s true despite the fact he lives in a world that grinds down. More important than just. Warning: The article contain spoilers for The Boys season 3. Homelander told starlight that a train told him about their plan. Ashley Barrett is eager to have him join because she thinks demographically he will do great for their. TheEditorr. Hughie was saving his life, even though A-Train didn’t even deserve it from Hughie. Hughie Is Billy’s New Boss. Once he realizes he doesn’t need vought anymore ur Gona see an even worse monster. While still just a baby, Translucent's power of transforming his skin into a carbon metamaterial would manifest and his family would. Madelyn Stillwell is a major antagonist in the Amazon series The Boys, serving as the secondary antagonist of Season 1. There ain't no team for me to hold together no more. Served In The Falklands War. Butcher able to fool the people closest to him by playing right into their image of him, not unlike how his hated rival the Homelander did for years. Homelander throws aside his politically neutral speech and rouses the true believers at the Believe Expo, followed by a floating Crucified Hero Shot. , protecting Starlight. · 20 days ago. He is the son of Homelander and Becca Butcher,. So, to recap: Homelander's killed Noir and regained his son, and while his press may be very bad, his. He was saying HL doesn't engage in vice or debauchery, not that he's morally upright. During this call, the audience (and Homelander) learn that. (i)Homelander would assume Maeve wouldn't just appear without a backup taken. Leave me alone! I'm not bothering anyone. Even the plan to have them duke it out was only theoretical in nature. The whole "mysterious person somewhere in the world who will upload the video if Maeve dies" sort of thing which Butcher used on Noir. It was released on July 8, 2022 on Amazon Prime Video. The speedster has a different motivation from Homelander, but he still does some despicable acts. He is a clone of the Homelander that was created by Vought-American to keep an eye on Homelander to make sure that he did not go insane, and to kill him if. Because telling people that the world’s greatest superhero is a rapist, would make you look like you’re crazy or insane. At that moment, Homelander was looking at an address given to him by Victoria Neuman. Homelander appears to be The Paragon until the Wham Shot of him shooting down an aircraft with a child on board. As the love of his life, she meant the world to him. As revealed in Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, Billy got his first taste of killing during the Falklands War of 1982. The Boys season 3 episode 3 spoilers follow. Cheetahs_never_win • 1 yr. Ryan is stronger than Homelander when he's angry and Homelander was holding back the power of his lasers. For the Dynamite version of the character, see The Female/Comics. Of course, Homelander took the opposite approach. The Boys season 3 finally gave superpowers to Hughie Campbell, the show's main character. Where The Boys season 3 leaves things for next season. A lot of people pointed out that Hughie. It just depends on the person using it. At the end of “The Boys” Season 2, a new institution named the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs (FBSA) was incorporated under the supervision of a new congresswoman, Victoria Neuman, to keep a check on the illegal activities of the superhumans and put them behind bars if found guilty of any crime. Butcher shoots the kid, but Hughie is badly injured in the attack. I’m like Dom Torretto, because I’m quick and I’m all. Not quite, hughie is visibly moving to the right before he jumps, it’s not like it’s hard to see even for our human eyes, so homelander just looked right because that’s the logical place he would be. never thought of that, but it makes sense. Butcher and Hughie take Translucent to former partner Frenchie, who makes a meta-bullet to pierce the hero's diamond-hard skin, but it fails to kill him. ago Well Hughie did tell him he is afraid of water so Homelander being the kind person he is really wanted to make the experience meaningful XD tv_trooper • 3 yr. From what The Boys season 3 has shown so far, Soldier Boy was a jingoistic, nationalist, right-wing political figure who directly hurt the family of Mother's Milk and indirectly led to his father's death (judging by episode 4's mysterious flashbacks). But now it's my choice. Annie is the first member of The Seven to have resigned to the group. His actor Jack Quaid made his film debut in the movie adaptation. He reveals that he wants to have superhero offspring and will harvest her. I'm just trying to get away from all the fucking voices!" —Mindstorm to Hughie Campbell[src]. Season 3 of The Boys took the Ryan story arc in a dark direction, setting him up as a possible future antagonist who takes after his father Homelander,. Hughie’s head was grabbed feeling Homelander’s cock shoved down his throat. If it worked on soldier boy it would work on him. The in-universe reason is probably to ease hughie into things and not shock him too much. The unconventional upbringing is likely responsible for his sociopathic tendencies — but also is why Homelander tries so hard to be a good father to Ryan. They kill off Noir right after building up him vs Soldierboy, Ryan comes out of nowhere suddenly not remembering the end of last season and everything between Homelander and Superboy ended up being boring because. Season Finale Time! Questions answered! Secrets revealed! Conflicts… conflicted! Characters exploded! And so much more! In Syria, US troops approach a drug warehouse under. In addition to all the jaw-dropping and eventful things that The Boys season two has brought us so far – yup, gills, we're looking directly at you. Once Homelander leaves, Hughie tries to show Ezekiel the video, however, he finds his phone has suffered water damage and no longer works. I blamed my powers for my problems. After teaming up with Butcher and Hughie, Soldier Boy went on the search for his. To fight for the ones I love. Without the blast I don’t see how they could have possibly pinned SB down. He’s made every possible attempt to make himself look good in front of that kid and that was his final chance to win him over. Butcher's trapping evil superheroes in bags of cocaine. By Robert Wood Published Jul 23, 2022 Black Noir doesn't say much in The Boys, but the term he uses to address Hughie exposes his entire endgame when. During their brief time together, Homelander showed a previously unseen compassion towards Ryan. Over the course of The Boys, Black Noir barely speaks a word, hiding his face and voice in favor of the final reveal that he's a clone of Homelander planted on the Seven to kill him if he gets out of control. Instead, Homelander murders Doppelganger. The Boys has finally dropped the anticipated "Herogasm" episode, and reactions to it have been wilder than expected. The soft squeak of leather was magnified by the room’s acoustics. Fans of The Boys, in both mediums of comic and TV, should know how important Becky Butcher is to Billy. Butcher and Hughie both granted themselves temporary superpowers using V-24, Homelander knocked Stan Edgar off his Vought perch while triggering a. "Moral compromise does have its privileges. Homelander and Ryan both smile as ominous string music closes out the finale. The question now is whether Soldier Boy is the one person who can rival Homelander in sheer power. It is the eighth episode overall. But. Blindspot is a possible contender for filling Translucent's spot in The Seven. We know that Homelander is pretty much invulnerable to other supes, and to individual weapons, but if he decided to just go full genocide, and take over Vought, he. She was the girlfriend of Hughie Campbell until her accidental death at the hands of A-train. Or, Ryan is more powerful. A depressed Deep finds his transfer dull and is sexually assaulted by a fangirl. Meanwhile, Butcher scales across a wall in the pursuit of his wife. Maeve was durable enough to survive being hit by a speeding armored van, splitting it in half. Jack Quaid’s Hughie Campbell has always been the soul of The Boys. John Gillman, better known as the Homelander, is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Black Noir) of the highly controversial 2006 comic book series The Boys and the overarching antagonist of. Starlight is the first female Supe to hold any position of authority in any Supe team when Stan Edgar appointed her co-leader of The Seven. Furthermore, Becca states the minute Homelander shows Ryan the outside world, Ryan will be overwhelmed and freak out. Hughie continues to take temp-V on these missions to fight the Supes. Hughie and Annie have sex at a hotel, unaware Butcher has followed them. I wonder how A-Train will change in season 2. For the Dynamite version of the character, see James Stillwell. In response to this,. In ‘The Boys’ Season 3: Episode 1, we witnessed Homelander slowly drifting to the brink of madness, and in Episode 2, he finally reveals his true identity, his narcissistic personality. by GoingRampant Could Homelander be pushed underwater so deep he can't escape? Just a thought for taking Homelander out. Season 2 of "The Boys" brings on an even more vicious. Homelander’s popularity is dwindling in the third season, following the Stormfront fiasco, and his position in the Seven is becoming a farce. Because he genuinely has shot on homelander because homelander doesn't take chances and is careful not to fuck up his image. Initially wary of Homelander's arrival, Ryan soon softens his stance when Homelander forgives him for severely injuring Stormfront in the season 2 finale. However, the seeming Batman. Hughie has passed a breaking point this season, the writers are showing that in this world even good guys like Hughie can and will be corrupted. Stan Edgar continues to embarrass him. Robin's brutal demise was the inciting incident for the. To help his cause, he mimics an Obligatory Earpiece Touch with his right hand while talking like a Mission Control. We are Vought. Homelander’s chiseled face was mere inches from Hughie’s own. Stillwell tells Homelander about evidence the Deep found. Homelander then goes for the eye gouge tactic, which sends Maeve reeling in agony. “ Fuck Atta boy~ Don’t you dare fucking bite me!” Homelander moans ignoring Hughie clawing at his thighs trying pull away. Superhuman Durability: Queen Maeve is immune to nearly all forms of physical harm, her durability being the most similar to that of Homelander than any other known Supes. Homelander is holding Maeve hostage in a concrete room. "See, now Vought is all demo points and audience testing, thanks to those backstabbing fucks Edgar and Stillwell. Looks like it’s Ashley he’s flexing to…maybe tryna emphasise he can do whatever he wants because he has like a “god body” and is superior in every way shape or form…The comics reveal his downfall. Obviously Homelander could be lying but I’m still unclear if Becca cheated on Butcher with Homelander, or if she was r4ped by Homelander. He’s a despicable person but such a great character. Homelander is the hardest hitting supe simply because he is a combination of Soldier Boy and More V. The character Termite seen in seasons three and one of "The Boys. As Billy, Soldier Boy, and Hughie returned back to The Legend’s house, Soldier Boy decided to give Homelander a call. He had enlisted as a Royal Marine and found all of his platoon's peers dead at the hands of Argentine troops. " —Jonah Vogelbaum[src] Jonah Vogelbaum was a retired Vought scientist and Homelander's father figure. She uses her platform and position to speak the truth, help those in need, and even to. Born with unbelievable powers, he was raised in a lab, and was surrounded by doctors like Jonah Vogelbaum, who named him John. Butcher hates Homelander, wants to destroy Homelander, and makes no effort to hide this. Here’s everything that happened in the episode. So when the baby clawed out killing the mom and then dying itself moments later I thought that was still a miscarriage in this uncommon scenario. However, we also know that the live-action and the comics version of The Boys have a lot of differences from one another, and Black Noir is one of them. As a infant he would be injected with Compound V in order to be turned into a superhero for Vought International. 48K subscribers in the OkBuddyFresca community. He is responsible for constant suffering and ultimately a superhero conspiracy. However, years passed and Black Noir was unable to fulfil the one purpose he was created for as Homelander was implied to have been a generally good person. Hughie would’ve never believed him, since Butcher has no. DoNotFeelSoGood • I have just started the series because of the memes on this sub. ago. Butcher and Hughie strike a deal with Soldier Boy: if they help him find and kill the members of his former superhero team Payback, who sold him to the Russians, he'll help them kill Homelander. The deck is yet to be payed. Blindspot to Homelander Blindspot is a superhero and a minor character in Season Two of the Amazon series The Boys. During their confrontation, both Hughie and Butcher tumble off the side of the Empire State Building, falling several stories below. 1.